
After Joshua's passing, I found myself rethinking how I was living my life.  I wanted to be spending my time doing and thinking about things that really matter.  These are some of the blogs/websites that I have found to be truly inspiring and worth my time.  I hope you can find something you enjoy on this list!

Also, if you have an inspiring blog you love, I would love to hear about it!  E-mail me at abrokenheartandcontritespirit(at)gmail(dot)com and let me know!


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Joshua Kent Ipson was born December 1, 2012 with a very complicated combination of congenital heart defects. After 2 1/2 months of fighting for his life, he passed away on February 13, 2013. We invite you to share our experiences as we grieve his loss, rejoice in God's plan, & keep Joshua's message of hope alive.
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The source of all my hope and peace

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