Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sunday Will Come

I love the message of this address given by one of the Apostles on the earth. Although he specifically addresses the grief we feel when we have lost a loved one, I think the message can apply to any time in our life we are feeling low. It will not be like that forever and if we turn to our Savior, we can find peace and hope for a brighter future.

I also think this is the perfect message to ponder as we start this Easter season.  Because of our Savior, Sunday truly will come...mortality will be over and we will live in peace and joy as resurrected beings.  I am so grateful for my Savior and the hope that comes with his infinite atoning sacrifice. 



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Joshua Kent Ipson was born December 1, 2012 with a very complicated combination of congenital heart defects. After 2 1/2 months of fighting for his life, he passed away on February 13, 2013. We invite you to share our experiences as we grieve his loss, rejoice in God's plan, & keep Joshua's message of hope alive.
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